National Trust Database - Search Results

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Quercus canariensis x Q. robur

Hybrid Oak

Castlemaine Botanic Gardens, Walker Street,, CASTLEMAINE VIC 3450 - Property No T11467

Contribution to landscape of historic garden This tree is a fine symmetrical example of this unusual hybrid with a well formed and sound canopy. The tree forms part of a mixed oak avenue planting. Measurements: 08/1991 Spread (m): 21.2 Girth (m): 2.64 Height (m): 23.4 Estimated Age (yrs): 100 Condition: Good Measurements: 23/08/2010 Spread (m): E-W 15; N-S 16 Girth (m): 3 Height (m): 23 Estimated Age (yrs): 119 ... more

